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VIDEO: $15,000 reward offered to find three NYC female teens who fatally beat up cab driver

He was punched several times by the group, until one of the thugs delivered a fatal blow to his head

August 18, 2022 7:17pm

Updated: August 19, 2022 2:05pm

A taxi driver group is offering a $15,000 reward to help find three teenage girls who fatally beat up a New York City taxi driver to death after couldn’t pay for their ride. 

Surveillance videos show the group of people running out of the taxi, allegedly without paying their fair near Arverne Boulevard in Queens last Saturday. Taxi driver Kutin Gyimah, 52, chased after the group. 

When he caught up, the group surrounded him, and was punched several times, until one of the thugs delivered a fatal blow to his head. Gyimah was left dead on a New York City sidewalk at around 6:30 a.m. The group fled the scene. 

Police announced that two male suspects, 20, were arrested in connection to Gyimah’s death. They have not yet been charged. 

However, police are still looking for three girls who were part of the group, aged 13, 15, and 16.

The New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers has offered a $15,000 reward for information that could lead to the girls’ arrest. 

“These murderers must be caught and we are offering a $15,000 reward … All funeral expenses will be covered by the owners of Big Apple Taxi Fleet Management where Mr. [Gyimah] worked,” said Fernando Mateo, spokesman for the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers, who announced the reward Saturday afternoon.

One of the two male suspects handed himself in on Wednesday night. Identified as Austin Amos, the man was the one that delivered the final blow to Gyimah. 

He has six prior arrests, including robbery, criminal mischief, criminal contempt, and sexual misconduct, police said. 

Gyimah leaves behind his wife and his four children. 

“This is a poor hardworking man, how can you leave your home and NOT return, this is outrageous. We are angry, we are in disbelief, we want justice,” Mateo added.