Maduro's prosecutors investigate María Corina Machado and Edmundo González for insurrection
The Venezuelan Prosecutor's Office announced this Monday that it will open a criminal investigation against María Corina Machado and the opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia

August 5, 2024 7:33pm
Updated: August 6, 2024 9:17am
The Venezuelan Prosecutor General, which remains under the control of the communist Maduro regime, announced this Monday that it will open a criminal investigation against María Corina Machado and the opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, who was proclaimed winner of the last elections with more than 70% of the votes. while the ruling party has said that the winner with more than 51% was the ruler Nicolás Maduro.
The investigation that has been opened is for alleged “instigation of insurrection,” after both opposition leaders called on the police and military to stop the “repression” for which they accuse Nicolás Maduro.
In a statement, Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab indicated that investigations will begin in response to this “open incitement” of the troops to “disobedience of the laws,” since the opposition leaders asked the uniformed men to “enforce” and “respect” the results of the July 28 elections.
The letter alleges the “commission of the crimes” related to the “usurpation of functions,” and “dissemination of false information” to “cause anxiety, instigation to disobedience of the laws, instigation to insurrection, and incitement to commit a crime and conspiracy,” which was published in a post on the X social media platform.
El Ministerio Público de la República Bolivariana de #Venezuela ante el írrito comunicado difundido por Edmundo González y María Machado: #informa la apertura de una #Investigación Penal a fin de determinar su responsabilidad ante la presunta comisión de múltiples delitos #aquí… pic.twitter.com/229YZWFMkM
— Tarek William Saab (@TarekWiliamSaab) August 5, 2024
Saab further said Machado and González Urrutia were acting “on the margins of the Constitution and the Law” by talking about an electoral winner other than Maduro.
In a recent letter issued by the main opposition coalition, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), pro-democracy activists denounced Maduro’s electoral fraud and “repression.”
“We call on the conscience of the military and police to stand on the side of the people and their own families (...) You can and must stop these actions immediately,” the letter heralds. “We urge you to prevent the regime’s rampage against the people and to respect, and to ensure respect, the results of the elections.”
Since the July 28 election results were announced by the Maduro controlled National Electoral Council insist that Maduro “refuses to recognize that he was defeated” while the United States, Argentina and several other countries Latin American claim.
Those countries have collectively accused the regime say Maduro has launched a brutal offensive against democratic leaders, election witnesses and opposition supporters.