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North Carolina DA suggests local man cut his dog's vocal cords after neighbors file multiple noise complaints

“He said that if you have the vocal cords removed surgically, they would drop all charges,” he said. “It’s crazy, it’s inhumane"

June 3, 2022 2:44am

Updated: June 3, 2022 9:42am

After receiving a number of citations because of his dog’s constant barking, a North Carolina man was outraged to learn that the plea deal offered to him by the district attorney’s office included having his pet’s vocal cords surgically removed.

Following complaints from neighbors for his dog Leo’s constant barking, Michael Eddings racked up $750 in noise violation citations and attorney fees, Fox 5 News reported.

Although Graham County doesn’t define quiet hours in any local ordinances, the county has legislated that noise shouldn’t be audibly clear at a distance of more than 50 feet from the source.

“Leo’s bark does travel, but it’s just because he’s 120 pounds,” said Eddings, adding that he felt he was being unjustly targeted.

“I have a neighbor that has three or four dogs that bark,” he said. “My neighbor across the street has a dog that barks, so I think singling us out for one dog is a little ridiculous.”

But after appearing in court on Tuesday, Eddings was stunned to hear the district attorney’s suggestion to the court.

“He said that if you have the vocal cords removed surgically, they would drop all charges,” he said. “It’s crazy, it’s inhumane.”

District Attorney Ashley Welch confirmed that an assistant DA did suggest surgically altering the dog’s vocal cords as a possible solution to violating the noise ordinance.

“Whether offered in jest or seriousness, the suggestion was inappropriate,” Welch said. “I am unable to offer additional comment, as this is now a personnel matter.”

Eddings will return to court in October, but has stated that he is willing to negotiate until then.

“We’ll put up a fence, things like that, but I’m not going to put on a barking collar and I’m not going to have surgery,” he said.