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Missing couple found after being stranded for 7 days in the desert—only one survived

Beverly left the car to get snow despite using a walker. She melted the snow in bags so that they could have water

April 7, 2022 4:15pm

Updated: April 7, 2022 6:22pm

An Indiana couple was stranded in the Nevada desert for more than a week without water or food after they set off on a road trip. Despite eventually being found by authorities, only one was found alive. 

Ronnie and Beverly Barker set off on a road trip in their RV from Oregon to Tucson, Arizona, on March 27 to meet their friends. 

According to an account by their nephew, Travis Peter, the couple was following GPS directions for their trip. However, the GPS was not set to “highway” mode and instead took alternative routes. On one of those roads, the RV got stuck on gravel and sand. 

After spending the evening in their RV, the couple unhooked their car to try to get help since they had lost the signal on their cellphone. 

Unfortunately, the couple took a wrong turn and got stuck again. The couple stayed in the car without knowing how far they were from the RV or help. 

“They stayed with their vehicle and Ronnie would tap out SOS signals on the horn every 10 minutes. Ronnie taught Bev the pattern and she would do the same throughout the 9-day ordeal,” Peters continued. 

The couple did not have any water or blankets since they only expected to make a short trip. According to Beverly, Ronnie started suffering from dehydration. At that point, she left the car to get snow despite using a walker. She melted the snow in bags so that they could have water. 

“She never mentioned hunger as an issue, but thirst was their enemy. I'm unsure of when things got to the point that Bev had to begin taking care of my uncle as the dehydration began to pull the life from him,” the statement continues. 

The couple spent several days inside their car waiting for help. Help eventually did come on Tuesday after rescuers found their RV by following its tire tracks and heard their honking. But, unfortunately, help arrived too late. Ronnie, 72, passed away on Monday afternoon. Rescuers took Beverly, 69, was airlifted and taken to a hospital.  

“There’s no physical way that Bev would have been able to make it to get snow time after time without the Lord carrying her up to that ridge,” Peters wrote. “The story Bev told, while heartbreaking, was uplifting as well. There was way more talk about how they were at peace with the fate that was closing in on them. There were more words of love and kindness to each other than pain and suffering. It truly was a religious experience.”