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VIDEO: Frontier Airlines passengers vote to kick woman off flight 

“I’m not even kidding. If you can hear me, raise your hand if you want her removed from the flight. I’m not even kidding, I got 40 hands up,” says the passenger.

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May 8, 2023 8:25am

Updated: May 8, 2023 8:25am

Passengers on a Frontier Airlines flight from Trenton, New Jersey to Atlanta voted to kick one woman off of the flight after she was being rude to other passengers last week. 

series of videos posted on TikTok shows passengers on board the plane at the Trenton-Mercer Airport supporting the motion to remove the woman from the flight by raising their hands in support.

“If you want her removed from the flight, raise your hand!” yelled one passenger in a red shirt. 

“I’m not even kidding. If you can hear me, raise your hand if you want her removed from the flight. I’m not even kidding, I got 40 hands up,” he continues. 

After the vote, the man calls over a security guard and explained the situation, indicating that they wanted the woman removed from the flight. 

 “Sir, I want her off the plane. I don’t care, I’m trying to prove a point. If you want to be a d–k to people, we’re going to be a d–k back,” the man in the red shirt tells the security guard.

The video continues to show the woman gathering her things and finally, leaving the plane. The flight was delayed by about an hour. 

According to the TikToker, @LanaisLi, the chaos began when a couple “asked the flight attendant to move seats closer to the front of the plane. They were told no and there was a back and forth between the [flight attendant] and the man.”

The woman, who was sitting a few rows back, began commenting negatively about what was happening. This led the two women to shout at each other. A security officer arrived to remove the couple from the flight before the passengers hold the vote about the other lady. 

Frontier Airlines has not yet commented on the incident.