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VIDEO: Shark kills 2 women in Egypt's Red Sea 

She was apparently swimming near the resort when the shark bit her, ripping off an arm and a leg

July 4, 2022 11:33am

Updated: July 4, 2022 1:51pm

A shark killed two swimmers within hours of each other near a resort in Egypt’s Red Sea, officials reported on Sunday.

A viral video of the attack shows the female victim, a 68-year-old Austrian identified as Elisabeth Sauer, struggling in the water surrounded by blood.  

She was apparently swimming near the resort when the shark bit her, ripping off an arm and a leg. 

“She’s going to f–king die,” you can hear an onlooker saying in the video. 

The video shows her attempting to swim towards a dock with tourists, one of which threw her a rope, hoping to help drag her to shore.  

Despite her injuries, the woman somehow made it to shore. However, she allegedly suffered a heart attack while in the ambulance and died on her way to the hospital. 

Onlookers complained about the lack of lifeguards during the incident. 

The second attack took place less than half a mile away, in the popular tourist beach of Sahl Hasheesh. The victim was a Romanian lady in her 40s. The identity of the second victim is still unconfirmed. 

Red Sea Governor Arm Hanafi closed down all of the beaches in the area for three days following the attacks. 

The Egyptian Ministry of Environment said a committee of specialists had been formed to investigate the attacks. The group "is still completing its work to find out precisely the reasons for the behavior of the shark that attacked the two victims," the ministry added. 

Shark attacks in the region have been rare. The last one occurred in 2020, when a 12-year-old boy lost an arm and a leg to a shark. The attacks before that were in 2018 and 2015.