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Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa most popular South American leader

The Ecuadorian president is followed in popularity Argentinian President Javier Milei

Foto de archivo del presidente ecuatoriano Daniel Noboa
Foto de archivo del presidente ecuatoriano Daniel Noboa | EFE/ José Jácome

May 21, 2024 4:23pm

Updated: May 22, 2024 9:22am

Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa is once again the most popular ruler in South America in May, a position from which the Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou previously held last April, according to a survey released today by CB Consultora, a company specialized in the study of the social climate and the projection of electoral scenarios.

Noboa went from having 57.8% of the support of those surveyed the previous month to 58.1%, with a disapproval rate of 39.5%, according to this sample, carried out between May 14 and 18 among 12,332 people (an average of between 1,022 and 1,485 per country). This study has a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error that ranges between 2% and 3%.

In second place is the Argentine Javier Milei, with a positive image of 54.8% and a rejection of 42.9%, and in third place is Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou, who currently has the support of 54.7%. % percent of those interviewed and the disapproval of 41.6%.

At the opposite extreme are the Venezuelan Nicolás Maduro - who drops from 40.9% approval to 39.5%, Colombian President Gustavo Petro who drops from 41.1% to 38.6% - and Peruvian President Dina Boluarte, who continues to fall in the popularity index and closes the list again for another month, going from 25.3% to 24.8% support.

The other positions are occupied by Paraguayan President Santiago Peña, in fourth position, with 51.3% support and 43.9% disapproval; Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who has 49.2% adherents and 47.4% detractors; Bolivian President Luis Arce, who rises from 40.5% to 42.3% (although he maintains a strong rejection of 54.2%), and Chilean President Gabruel Boric, who receives 41.8% support compared to 55% of rejection.

In Argentina, the approval rate shown in this survey referring to previous presidents is 17.2% for Alberto Fernández (compared to 79.6% rejection); 32.8% for Mauricio Macri (compared to 61.2% disapproval) and 34.8% for Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (compared to 61.8% rejection).

In Bolivia, former governor Evo Morales has a support of 20.2% and a rejection of 72.4%, and former president Carlos Mesa, an approval of 38% and a negative image of 54.3%.

Finally, in Venezuela, where presidential elections will be held on July 28, Edmundo González, candidate of the opposition coalition Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), has 47.2% support (and 34.2% rejection), for behind María Corina Machado, opposition leader disqualified from running in the elections, who receives 50.5% support and 40.7% rejection.

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