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Leonardo DiCaprio is criticized for praising Cuban regime’s protection of hawksbill turtles

The Hollywood actor said he appreciates Cuban efforts to protect the environment. Critics showed him what is actually happening to Hawksbill turtles in Cuba

February 4, 2022 2:09pm

Updated: February 5, 2022 2:39pm

The American actor Leonardo DiCaprio praised the Cuban regime's efforts to care for the environment and especially for endangered species such as the Hawksbill turtle. But, almost immediately, social media users criticized his words.

“A new protected area in Cuba shelters Critically Endangered Hawksbill Sea Turtles and migratory bird pathways. The latest conservation success brings Cuba to the 28.5% protection of their marine continental shelf,” the actor tweeted


One of the first users to answer him was independent journalist Elaine Díaz: "It's a great day to be a sea turtle in Cuba. Too bad that every day is a lousy day to be a political prisoner on the island. Let's turn political prisoners into sea turtles, maybe that way they can get justice, protection and freedom, plus a tweet from @LeoDiCaprio".

Another Twitter user pointed out that she didn't think the Cuban regime cares that much about Hawksbill turtles. "At the same time, I don't think you know anything about Cuba, I'm just saying," she pointed out and posted an image with Hawksbill earrings and bracelets sold in state and private stores on the island.

DiCaprio is not only a successful Hollywood actor, he is also a leader in the fight to improve global environmental conditions. The actor has become a reference for activists and initiatives that seek to reverse the consequences of climate change and the damage of the exploitation of the planet's natural resources.

One of the most notable projects to which it has contributed is saving of the largest area of rainforest in Sumatra, home to wild tigers, orangutans, elephants, and two indigenous tribes.