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VIDEO: Kawasaki introduces Bex, the robot goat that can transport materials and people

Japanese tech giant Kawasaki unveiled its new robot goat at the world's largest robot trade show in Tokyo

May 31, 2022 1:50pm

Updated: May 31, 2022 4:51pm

The renowned technology company Kawasaki caught everyone’s attention at the 2022 International Robot Expo after unveiling a robot goat that can carry approximately 220 pounds of cargo.

The Kawasaki Bex is a species of large wild goat native to parts of Eurasia and Africa that can carry different materials and be ridden by people, according to Oddity Central.

Ibex mountain goats are famous for their incredible ability to climb up and down mountainous terrain with minimal effort. Apparently, Kawasaki wanted to show that its robot can have the same ability as an Ibex goat.

The Bex robot can move on flat terrain at a moderate speed (the exact speed has not yet been disclosed) thanks to the wheels installed on its "knees." However, on uneven terrain, it can only walk.

A video shared by YouTube user Kazumichi Moriyama shows the moment when Kawasaki shows off its latest creation, yet you can also see how Bex is not fast enough to be created as a means of locomotion.

This time around, Bex was presented only as a prototype, so the technology giant will be responsible for improving the most important flaws during production.

This time around, Bex was presented only as a prototype, so the technology giant will be responsible for improving the most important flaws during production.


Fast-File Reporter

Marielbis Rojas

Marielbis Rojas is a Venezuelan journalist and communications professional with a degree in Social Communication from UCAB. She is a news reporter for ADN America.