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UN votes to blame Russia for humanitarian crisis in Ukraine

The resolution was adopted with 140 in favor and five against (Russia, Syria, North Korea, Eritrea and Belarus) – while 38 countries, including China, abstained

March 24, 2022 4:15pm

Updated: March 24, 2022 4:15pm

The United Nations General Assembly approved a resolution on Thursday demanding aid access and civilian protection in Ukraine and blaming Russia for creating a “dire” humanitarian situation after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the commencement of a “special military operation” one month ago.

The resolution, passed by nearly three-quarters of the body, calls for an immediate cease-fire, protections for civilian structures and states that the “Humanitarian consequences of the aggression against Ukraine" exist "on a scale that the international community has not seen in Europe in decades," US News reported

It was ultimately adopted with 140 in favor and five against (Russia, Syria, North Korea, Eritrea and Belarus) – while 38 countries, including China, abstained – and represents the second time since the Russian invasion that the General Assembly voted to isolate Moscow.

The resolution was introduced just a day after the body overwhelmingly voted against a resolution proposed by Russia that recognized the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine but refused to attribute blame to the Kremlin.

Prior to the vote, Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia and U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas Greenfield argued about Russia’s role in the conflict and its decision to draft a humanitarian resolution, the AP reported.

Nebenzia told the council that Russia’s resolution, like other humanitarian resolution, “is not politicized.”

Thomas-Greenfield retorted, however, saying, "Russia does not care about the deteriorating humanitarian condition. If they cared, they would stop fighting. Russia is the aggressor, the attacker, the invader, the sole party in Ukraine engaged in a campaign of brutality against the people of Ukraine, and they want us to pass a resolution that does not acknowledge their culpability."

Following the vote, the U.S. ambassador called the result “an astounding success” and said “once again the world stood united” in the face of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “unjustified and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.”

“Together, a strong majority of U.N. member states made clear that Russia -- Russia -- bears sole responsibility for the grave humanitarian crisis and violence in Ukraine,” she said.

“Together, we called for the protection of all civilians fleeing the conflict and for steps to mitigate the increase in food insecurity caused by this senseless war.”



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