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U.S. to send $10 billion in aid to Ukraine

The funds will supply defensive equipment for Ukraine, but also humanitarian assistance, one senator said

March 6, 2022 3:24pm

Updated: March 7, 2022 8:57am

While balking at a request from Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenskyy to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine, the U.S. is primed to send more military aid to the embattled country, lawmakers said.

Emergency funds soon will be approved, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) said on Sunday.

The money will place "$10 billion into both defensive equipment for Ukraine, but also humanitarian assistance to get civilians out," Murphy said while appearing on "Fox News Sunday."

The approval will come after members of Congress spoke to Zelenskyy, who has asked for a no-fly zone over Ukraine. That request was met with sympathy amid caution.

"If I were President Zelenskyy, I would be asking for a no-fly zone," Murphy said. "The problem is, there is no such thing as a no-fly zone over Ukraine."

Such an act would mean World War III, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) Florida said on Sunday. 

"I think there are a lot of things we can do to help Ukraine protect itself," Rubio said while appearing on ABC’s "This Week." But, he added, "I think people need to understand what a no-fly zone means."

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) did not openly oppose a no-fly zone.

"I would take nothing off the table," Manchin said on NBC’s "Meet the Press."


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