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VIDEO: Australian man fights crocodile with a frying pan, and wins

“No one got hurt and the croc got a good lesson”

June 21, 2022 4:05pm

Updated: June 21, 2022 6:02pm

An Australian man fought off a crocodile with a frying pan outside of a pub, and it was all recorded on video. 

The video shows the pub’s owner, Kai Hansen, face the 8.2-foot crocodile after it wandered too close to the venue. As the large animal speeds toward him, Hanses uses a frying pan to hit him twice on the head. 

After the second hit, the crocodile turns around and runs toward the bushes, leaving Hansen victorious. 

The incident took place at Goat Island Lodge, a remote establishment on an island on the Adelaide River that is used as part of a helicopter tour of the area.

"Goat Island isn't your average pub and King Kai isn't your average publican! You just never know what he'll serve up next," read a Facebook post by the tour company. 

The video of the tense fight went viral, being shared more than 14,000 times and receiving more than 3,500 comments. 

"I wouldn't say it's an everyday event, but I've got to stay safe and do what I can," Hansen told the Daily Mail Australia. “No one got hurt and the croc got a good lesson.”

This was not Hansen’s first encounter with a crocodile. The pub owner moved to the remote island several years ago, knowing that the place had a large crocodile population. 

Until 2018, he had a dog called Pippa that would scare off crocodiles and send them running back into the water. However, one year one of the local crocodiles—Casey, as Hansen calls it—caught the dog and killed it. 

"It was something that had a high probability of happening sometime," Hansen said at the time.

He said the same crocodile had "had a go at me a couple of times" and that "these days I just throw food out from up the top, and no one is allowed to walk down there."