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VIDEO: Motorcyclist in pro-Maduro caravan says he was paid $30 to participate

The motorcyclist of the Chavista caravan said he would not vote for Nicolás Maduro and was only participating in the regime-sponsored rally because he was paid $30

Simpatizantes de Edmundo González Urrutia asisten a un acto de campaña en Caracas - 04/07/2024 | EFE

July 7, 2024 1:11pm

Updated: July 8, 2024 9:50am

A video that went viral on social media networks on Thursday shows the moment when a motorcyclist from a Chavista, regime sponsored caravan said he would not vote for Nicolás Maduro, and that he was only participating in the Caracas parade because he was paid $30.

“This is a strategy. We are not going to vote for him, but they are paying us $30,” the motorcyclist said during a video broadcast by the NTN24 news network.

The parade was largely attended by members of Maduro’s political party, which is known as the United Socialist Party of Venezuela or PSUV.

The motorcyclists who participated in the regime sponsored caravan managed to evade a police cordon, and entered the opposition concentration along Francisco de Miranda Avenue, near Plaza Francia, in the Chacao municipality.

There were no clashes or incidents, and some Chavista motorcyclists even greeted opposition leader María Corina Machado and her representative Edmundo González.

Shortly after, the PSUV attendees also left and the massive opposition caravan continued towards its destination in El Marqués, in the Sucre municipality, without major setbacks.

Hours before the motorcyclist's revelation, Machado confronted a group of police officers who tried to stop his caravan.

The mobilization, which began in the Chacao municipality, was intercepted by the Directorate of Strategic Actions (DAET) of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB).

A video broadcast by the digital channel VPI TV showed officials requesting documentation of the vehicle in which Machado and González were located.

The opponent got out of the truck and began to argue with the officers.

“Here I am the authority because this vehicle is mine,” said the former deputy, to which the agent responded: “Your driving license does not appear here. I'm just verifying the gentleman's documents. “I have nothing with you.”

After reviewing the papers, the official returned them to the driver and Machado said: “We continue. Forward. Take away our motorcycles, please, we are in a hurry.”

The opposition mobilization continued its journey until reaching the Chacaíto sector, escorted by motorcyclists, while Machado and González Urrutia greeted passersby and drivers who expressed their support with shouts and honking horns.

Fast-File Reporter

Marielbis Rojas

Marielbis Rojas is a Venezuelan journalist and communications professional with a degree in Social Communication from UCAB. She is a news reporter for ADN America.