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Zelensky's speech to the U.S. Congress was met with a standing ovation

At the end of Zelensky's speech, emotional members of Congress gave the heroic Ukrainian president a standing ovation

March 16, 2022 12:33pm

Updated: March 16, 2022 12:34pm

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky delivered an emotional yet resolute speech to a joint session of the United States Congress on Wednesday morning and urged President Joe Biden to increase U.S. support of Ukraine as it continues to fight back the Kremlin’s bloody invasion.

In the virtual address, Zelensky told members of Congress that what is happening in Ukraine is something “Europe has not seen in 80 years” and has the potential to impact democracy and freedom beyond the Eastern European country’s borders, Newsweek reported

“We’re fighting for the values of Europe,” Zelensky said.

Although the battle hardened president thanked President Biden for standing by Ukraine and helping punish “those who commit crimes against Ukraine and Ukrainian people,” he emphasized the need for new sanctions to be called “constantly” and “until the Russian military machine stops.”

The former actor also streamed video of life in Ukraine before and after the Russian invasion began 21 days ago on February 24 – using the dramatic contrast as an opportunity to once again urge lawmakers to institute a no-fly zone over Ukraine – a move which many analysts fear could drag the West into direct military conflict with Moscow.

Although there have been calls from around the world to close the skies over Ukraine, the U.S. and its NATO allies have refused, as a no-fly zone would necessarily force them to shoot down any Russian plane violating the ban and could thus trigger a new world war.

Zelensky also urged Congress to think back on difficult periods in American history like September 11 in order to better understand his country’s struggle.

He also referenced George Floyd’s brutal killing in Minneapolis in May 2020 saying, “Every day is a new George Floyd for us. Putin has his knee on the necks of the Ukrainian people. We cannot breathe.”

The President also addressed Biden directly, urging him to guide the world towards a peaceful resolution of hostilities.  

"I wish you to be the leader of the world. Being the leader of the world means being the leader of peace,” he said.

At the end of Zelensky's speech, emotional members of Congress gave the heroic Ukrainian president a standing ovation.