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VIDEO: Leftist protesters confront Biden at restaurant to remove Cuba from terrorism list, end Ukraine war

The protesters were ultimately asked to leave the restaurant by staff

Code Pink activist group
Code Pink activist group | Shutterstock

February 21, 2023 6:46am

Updated: February 21, 2023 9:18am

Anti-war protesters confronted President Biden over his handling of the Ukraine war while he was dining at a restaurant in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, according to reports. 

"President Biden, I hate to bother you, we need to end this war in Ukraine. We need to push through negotiations!" shouted one protester belonging toCode Pink, a left wing activist group that seeks to end foreign wars.

"I hate to bother you but people are dying,” she continued before the restaurant’s staff ultimately asked the group to leave the restaurant. 

"WATCH: We ran into President Biden at dinner in DC - he can eat peace when there’s peace for the people and planet too," the group said in a video uploaded to its Twitter. 

The video also shows the activist calling to lift the sanctions against Cuba and remove the island from the Department of State’s State Sponsors of Terrorism list. 

“We need to end and lift the blockade on Cuba, please," the protester continues. “I’ll happily leave. But I hope that we push for peace talks and negotiations and take Cuba off the state sponsor of terror list.”

Code Pink describes itself as a “a feminist grassroots organization working to end U.S. warfare and imperialism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect resources into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs.”

In 2007, Code Pink co-founder Madea Benjamin appeared on an interview with host Tucker Carlson to defend Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez's decision to shut down various press outlets.

Benjamin said it was a myth that the Chavez regime was a "democratically elected government and denied that it "limited freedom of speech and eroded civil rights.”

During the interview, Benjamin insisted Chavez did not shut down press outlets who disagreed with him, and that he merely revoked their license because those outlets supported his ouster.

"I wonder if you are even a tiny bit ashamed that you are apologizing for fascism on national television," Carlson said to her. 

"I wonder if you are ashamed of calling a Democratically elected government a fascist government," Benjamin fired back. 

The organization has regional offices in California and Washington, D.C.