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Poll: More than one third of young workers consider switching jobs over abortion politics

Numbers higher for "more senior" employees.

August 12, 2022 3:26pm

Updated: August 14, 2022 12:00pm

Just over one-third of younger workers are considering switching jobs in order to find an employer more amenable to pro-abortion politics, according to new polling from a women's group.

Thirty-four percent of respondents to a new LeanIn poll "are considering switching jobs in light of the overturn of Roe," the progressive group reported.

Those who were debating whether or not to find a new job said they would leave their current employer "either to work for a company that offers more generous reproductive healthcare benefits, or to work for a company that publicly supports access to abortion."

Those numbers were "even higher for more senior employees," LeanIn said, noting that among "leaders and managers under age 40, 43% of women and 40% of men are considering switching jobs."

LeanIn warned that the demographic breakdown of pro-abortion workers who may be seeking new employment could spell trouble for companies looking to boost their diversity bona fides. 

"Women and men of color are about twice as likely as white women and men to be considering switching jobs — indicating that a failure to protect abortion access could put companies' DE&I efforts in serious jeopardy," the progressive group said.