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More Americans favor Trump over Biden, new poll reveals

According to the data, 48 percent of those polled said they would support Trump if the 2024 election were held today, compared with 45 percent who said they would support Biden

December 7, 2021 4:54pm

Updated: December 8, 2021 7:44pm

A survey released to The Hill by the Center for American Political Studies at Harvard and The Harris Poll revealed that more voters would support former President Donald Trump over President Biden if the 2024 election were held today.

According to the data, 48 percent of those polled said they would support Trump, compared with 45 percent who said they would support Biden. Eight percent noted that they were unsure.

Although women supported the two hypothetical candidates evenly, men backed Trump by a margin of 50 to 43 percent. Biden won urban voters by 20 percentage points, but only enjoyed a small advantage with suburban voters. Trump, on the other hand, bested Biden among rural voters by 33 percentage points.

Although The Hill did not reveal how Hispanic voters polled, a June 30 Pew Research Center poll showed that Trump continued to make inroads within the demographic.

One telling sign of this is the recent Virginia election, where Latinos who comprise 5.5 percent of the state’s eligible voters favored Republican Glenn Youngkin by more than 10 percentage points.

Democrats Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden were all able to capture a majority of the Latino vote in their quests for the presidency. 

However, that landscape appears to be undergoing a tectonic shift. 

“In Virginia, Trump ran 6 points ahead of his 2016 performance with Latinos — from 30 percent to 36 percent, according to 2020 exit polls. Meanwhile, Biden only won 61 percent of the Latino vote, down from Clinton’s 65 percent in 2016,” Politico recently reported. 

The Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey is yet another sign that trouble may be on the horizon for Democrats who continue to suffer from infighting and what is viewed as an increasingly weak administration.

A Nov. 7 poll from USA Today and Suffolk University revealed a gloomy outlook for Democrats ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.  

President Biden’s approval rating – already historically low – dropped to 38 percent, while Vice President Kamala Harris hit a shocking 28 percent.

Should Trump run in 2024, he would likely win the 2024 GOP nomination, the poll indicates.