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Abandoned Russian military dog swaps sides to fight alongside Ukraine's freedom fighters

“From now on, Max will serve on the right side, defending Ukraine and nibbling Russian asses," said one Ukrainian soldier

May 23, 2022 3:28pm

Updated: May 23, 2022 3:29pm

An abandoned Russian military dog has swapped sides and is now fighting Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invading forces alongside his new Ukrainian masters, helping detect explosives left behind by retreating Russian forces – and even learning Ukrainian-language commands.

According to a Daily Mail report, Max – a 3-year-old Belgian Malinois – was found starving by Ukrainian troops in the Mykolaiv region of southern Ukraine. Soldiers were quickly able to identify the canine as Russian due to a special collar that the Kremlin issues to military dogs.

“We can’t understand why the Russians would leave behind such a lovely animal. Ukrainians love dogs, they regard them as part of the family,” an unnamed Ukrainian soldier told the Daily Mail.

Max was quickly welcomed into the Ukrainian fold, however, and shortly after finding Max, Dmitry, a member of Ukraine’s National Guard, said, “From now on, Max will serve on the right side, defending Ukraine and nibbling Russian asses.”

In an interview with the Daily Star, one British Special Forces soldier noted that, “Malinois are the same breed used by the SAS and the SBS. They are brave, highly intelligent and athletic animals,” adding that although the breed is “tremendously loyal,” “Max has obviously been ­convinced that the Ukrainians are now his new masters.”

“I’m very surprised that one of these animals was actually ­abandoned by the Russians because they are a highly-prized asset. Also the bond between a dog and its handler is very strong. It would be like leaving a member of your family behind,” he added.

Max, however, is not the only heroic pup to serve alongside Ukrainian freedom-fighters.

Earlier this month, a Ukrainian mine-sniffing dog was awarded a medal by President Volodymyr Zelensky in recognition of his efforts throughout the Russian invasion.

As AND America previously reported, Patron, a 2-year-old Jack Russel terrier, and his owner, Myhailo Iliev, have been credited with detecting more than 200 explosives since the start of the war.

"Today, I want to award those Ukrainian heroes who are already clearing our land of mines. And together with our heroes, a wonderful little sapper - Patron - who helps not only to neutralize explosives, but also to teach our children the necessary safety rules in areas where there is a mine threat," Zelensky said in a statement after the ceremony.

Patron was professionally trained to identify the smell of gunpowder, which he has used to help clear mines around the city of Chernihiv. He has become a minor celebrity and symbol of Ukrainian resistance in the face of Russian invaders.

Iliev, a major in Ukraine’s Civil Protection Service, told TODAY that he initially bought Patron as a pet for his son.

"He can inspire anyone with his appearance and eyes," Iliev said of how the canine lifted the spirits of his team.

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