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After Uvalde, Kamala Harris calls to ban guns 'intentionally designed to kill a lot of human beings quickly'

Harris said, "We should not have weapons of war on the streets of America."

July 10, 2022 9:07pm

Updated: July 11, 2022 2:54pm

Vice President Kamala Harris is calling on Congress to renew the assault weapons ban because such guns were "designed to kill a lot of human beings quickly."

Her comments came Sunday on CBS News "Face the Nation" after meeting with survivors of the Highland Park shooting.

"Assault weapons were specifically and intentionally designed to kill a lot of human beings quickly," Harris said before going on to express her support for bringing back the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, which expired 10 years after it was instituted. "It is a weapon of war.

"The fact that we can't get Congress to renew — it's not like we're pulling something out of our hat, we've done it before as a nation – to renew the assault weapons ban is outrageous. And you can support the Second Amendment. I support the Second Amendment. But we should agree we should not have weapons of war on the streets of America." 

President Joe Biden has also expressed support for an assault weapons ban in recent weeks after other mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, N.Y.

Although he claims his plan is "not about taking away anyone's guns," Biden said the "Second Amendment, like all other rights, is not absolute."