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Human Rights

Human Rights

Charges against 5 for plots against Chinese dissidents in U.S.

Federal prosecutors have charged five people for acting as agents of the Chinese government to target, harass and spy on Chinese nationals with “pro-democracy” views living in the U.S. The Department of Justice say the five men are connected to three separate plots against Chinese people living in the U.S. who have expressed opposition to the Chinese Communist Party.

Human Rights

Tiananmen Square protester granted asylum in U.S. stabbed to death

A Tiananmen Square protestor turned immigration lawyer was killed in his New York City office on Monday by a client upset he would not take her case. Jinjin (Jim) Li, 66, was jailed for two years in 1989 by the Chinese government for participating in the 1989 student democracy movement at Tiananmen Square that infamously ended in a bloody massacre of protesters.
