Letter published on Twitter says attorney L. Lin Wood requesting retirement from Georgia Bar
Attorney L. Lin Wood, who participated in 2020 election law challenges related is reportedly requesting retirement status from State Bar of Georgia amid two disciplinary proceedings, according to a letter posted on Twitter Wednesday morning

July 5, 2023 9:14am
Updated: July 7, 2023 9:40am
Attorney L. Lin Wood, who participated in 2020 election law challenges related is reportedly requesting retirement status from State Bar of Georgia amid two disciplinary proceedings, according to a letter posted on Twitter Wednesday morning.
The letter, posted by former federal prosecutor and state Judicial Nominating Commission member Ron Filipkowski published a letter, purportedly on Wood’s law firm stationary requesting the retirement status.
Multiple calls made by ADN America to the Georgia State Bar to confirm the validity of the letter, were unanswered at the time of this story’s publication Wednesday morning.
Phone calls made to Wood’s office also went unanswered, but an outgoing phone message said the firm was “not able to take on any new matters or offer any referrals at this time.”
Wood’s profile at the Georgia State Bar currently says he is an active member in good standing who was admitted on June 10, 1977.
The July 4, 2023 online letter, which is addressed to Paula Fredericks of the General Counsel of the State Bar of Georgia and Damon Elmore, the bar’s Executive Director requests Wood be able to transfer to retired status under Georgia Bar Rule 1-202(f).
The letter posted by Mr. Filipkowski says the following:
“Dear Ms. Frederick and Mr. Elmore:
“Pursuant to State Bar Rule 1-202(f), I hereby request that I be permitted to transfer to Retired Status effective immediately. I understand that this request is unqualified, irrevocable and permanent. I further understand and acknowledge that if granted Retired Status I am prohibited from practicing law in this State and in any other state or jurisdiction and that I may not apply for readmission. The State Bar of Georgia counsel has confirmed that I remain free to represent myself pro se now and in the future as long as I do not use my Bar number or the name L. Lin Wood, P.C., in any such matter.
“I understand that because there are two disciplinary proceedings pending against me
(Sup.Ct. Nos. S22B0488 and $22B0645, SDB Nos. 7514 and 7564) I may transfer to Retired Status only with the consent of the Office of the General Counsel. Given the current status of the two disciplinary proceedings pending against me, including the fact that by Order #20 the Special Master struck my answers and found me in default and that the Special Master conducted an evidentiary proceeding on aggravation and mitigation of discipline on May 18 and 19, 2023, I respectfully request that the Office of the General Counsel grant this request.”