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MEP blasts Spanish hotel executives for being "slave drivers" who pander to the Cuban dictatorship

"They are all accomplices of the criminal totalitarian government of Cuba," said Spanish MEP Hermann Tertsch

December 17, 2021 1:19pm

Updated: December 17, 2021 4:47pm

Spanish MEP Hermann Tertsch called his fellow countrymen in the hotel and tourism world “slave drivers” who pander to the Cuban dictatorship much to the detriment of the Cuban people.

"Those who collaborate with the criminal dictatorship line up to greet the man who makes slavery within the tourism industry in Cuba lucrative. The European parliament has already condemned slavery within medical missions. It is time to denounce these other slave trivers,” Tersch said on Thursday.

Tertsch’s comments were made in in relation to a recent picture three prominent Spanish hotel executives, Miguel Fluxá Roselló, Juan José Hidalgo and Gabriel Escarrer Jaume, in Havana with regime officials – all of whom Tertsch accuses of collaborating with the dictatorship.

"They are all accomplices of the criminal totalitarian government of Cuba. They don't care about the slavery of Cuban doctors, only about the money generated by this illicit, criminal and inhuman business. The leftist Castro/Canel dictatorship has one goal: to stay in power," one user wrote on Twitter.

Targeting the main investors and financiers of the dwindling Cuban economy, especially in the areas that critics of the regime refer to as a source of enrichment for the ruling elite, is a strategy that is gaining more and more followers in social networks and day-to-day actions.

Cubans living in Canada recently succeeded in pressuring one London based retail chain into temporarily removing Cubita coffee from its shelves.

Alberto Ortega Fonseca, one of the protagonists of the boycott, stated that the sale of the product benefits the Cuban regime. The Cubita brand is associated with Cimex and GAESA, the commercial conglomerate of the Cuban Armed Forces, with enormous power over the national economy.