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Guaidó: Those who do not support Ukraine support the dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro

"The role we Venezuelans have in this conflict is to accompany the struggle of the Ukrainian people and continue fighting to rescue democracy and freedom in Venezuela," the Venezuelan head of state said in a tweet

March 1, 2022 12:25pm

Updated: March 1, 2022 1:42pm

Venezuela’s interim-President Juan Guaidó took to Twitter on Monday morning to accuse dictator Nicolas Maduro of being an “accomplice” to Russian President Vladimir Putin in the invasion of Ukraine, launched just five days ago.

“Venezuela is closely following the resistance put up by our Ukrainian brothers in the face of the Russian invasion,” he wrote. “They are an example of bravery and courage in defending their sovereignty, even while at a disadvantage.”

But in a subsequent message on Tuesday, the opposition leader said that those who do not fully support Ukraine amid the Russian invasion have instead chosen to side with the dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro.  

"The role we Venezuelans have in this conflict is to accompany the struggle of the Ukrainian people and continue fighting to rescue democracy and freedom in Venezuela," the Venezuelan head of state said in a tweet.

The Venezuelan president further indicated that the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro is the worst the region has ever faced, due to its links to organized crime and drug trafficking.

Despite the world condemnation, Maduro's regime has expressed its position of support and complicity to the Russian invasion of Ukraine – a move which Guaidó has said brought shame to the Venezuelan people, who he claims do not support Russia's bloody war. 

"Venezuela unhesitatingly condemns the Russian invasion. We are with the people of Ukraine, it was demonstrated by the vote of our delegation in the OAS," he added.

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