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Sen. Scott calls upon Biden to support Latin America freedom movement

“We are here today because Joe Biden has turned a deaf ear and blind eye to the fight for freedom and democracy in Latin America," said the senator

September 15, 2022 8:36pm

Updated: September 16, 2022 4:30am

Senator Rick Scott called on President Joe Biden to abandon his policy of appeasement and support the movements for democracy in Latin America during a press conference in front of the White House on Thursday.  

For the first day of Hispanic Heritage Month, we “honor to recognize the history, culture, and countless contributions of the Hispanics community of Florida and our nation,” the Senator began his speech. 

“We are here today because Joe Biden has turned a deaf ear and blind eye to the fight for freedom and democracy in Latin America. He has chosen to appease dictators in Cuba and Venezuela. He has taken a weak, soft-handed approach to Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua. He has allowed dictators to destabilize the region and spread socialism as he lets Iran, Russia, and communist China expand their influence in our hemisphere,” the senator said.  

“We have seen his policy of appeasement in action and it has made the United States less safe,” Scott said, adding that the Western hemisphere has become a dangerous place “because of Joe Biden’s weakness.” According to the senator, foreign governments are using Biden’s policy to undermine America’s regional interests.  

While Joe Biden’s approach continues, “we will not stop fighting,” the senator continued. “We hear the cries of the freedom movement across Latin America. We believe that Cubans, Venezuelans, Colombians, and Nicaraguans, and all people deserve democracy, human rights, and freedom from tyranny.” 

“The president of the United States is the leader of the free world. He needs to start acting like it and stand for freedom and security in Latin America.” 

Senator Scott listed five things Biden can start doing to support the freedom movement in Latin America. First, he should reinstate the restrictions he lifted on Cuba and support the passage of the Democracia Act, which would hold the communist regime in Cuba accountable through sanctions and financial pressure. 

Second, close the Cuban embassy in Washington DC. “It was wrong to reopen the embassy in 2015,” said the senator. 

Third, put the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) back into the list of foreign terrorist organizations. In November of last year, the U.S. removed the Marxist rebel group from the list because “it no longer exists as a unified organization,” according to Secretary of State Antony Blinken. “Their terrorist activity has not stopped,” Scott explained.  

Fourth, the U.S. Department of the Treasury should block access to any U.S. assets of anyone involved in complicit organizations, human rights organizations, or corruption. Finally, the administration should revoke the licenses of U.S. companies operating in Cuba and Venezuela, including airlines, hotels, cruise liners, or agriculture companies. 

Scott was joined by Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, Senator Marco Rubio, Representatives Maria Elvira Salazar and Carlos Gimenez, as well other Hispanic community leaders in Florida, who echoed his message. 

“This Administration would rather be complacent with dictatorships than confront them and support the victims, tweeted Salazar. “Along with colleagues from the House and Senate, and Cuban, Venezuelan, Nicaraguan, and Colombian leaders, I reminded him.”

“The Biden Administration continues to fail those who courageously struggle for freedom, human rights, and democracy in some of the world's most oppressive environments of Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua,” said Congressman Diaz-Balart. 

“The Biden Administration’s policy of appeasement with far-left tyrants and would-be tyrants in Latin America emboldens their grip on power, encourages drug trafficking in our region, and promotes illegal mass migration across our unsecured border,” added Senator Rubio.