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Five states confirm COVID-19 omicron variant cases

New York, California, Colorado, Hawaii and Minnesota reported cases of the new variant

December 3, 2021 12:14pm

Updated: December 3, 2021 1:02pm

Five states including New York, California, Colorado, Hawaii and Minnesota have reported cases of the omicron Covid-19 variant, bringing the total number of infections nationwide to 10.

The first known U.S. omicron case was found in San Francisco on Wednesday in a resident who had traveled to South Africa. Los Angeles confirmed additional cases on Thursday.

New York confirmed five cases of the variant, said New York Governor Kathy Hochul on Thursday. One of the cases involved a 67-year-old woman who had just returned from South Africa and had originally tested negative for COVID-19.

Minnesota reported the first case of community spread. The patient had originally traveled to a convention in New York City where he was infected with omicron, according to Minnesota’s Department of Health. Hawaii also reported a case of community spread in a patient with no travel history.

California, Colorado and Minnesota have found the omicron variant among patients who were fully vaccinated. All developed mild symptoms. Hawaii’s omicron case was found in an unvaccinated person and they reported moderate symptoms.

"No cause for alarm," Hochul said. "We don't have more information at this time but we suspect there will be more cases emerging, and the best thing everyone can do is to realize we are not defenseless against this variant at all, that vaccines, we know, are going to ensure there is less severe symptoms.”

While much remains unknown about the new virus, the U.S. is implementing new measures to stop the spread of the variant. On Thursday, President Joe Biden announced new testing requirements for international travelers and free COVID-19 testing. Incoming travelers will now have to test for COVID-19 24 hours before they board their flight.