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Donald Trump endorses Marjorie Taylor Greene, six others

Greene "doesn't back down" or "give up," Trump said

April 6, 2022 9:55pm

Updated: April 7, 2022 9:30am

Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday endorsed seven members of Congress for reelection, including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), whom he called "a warrior."

Trump also endorsed Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Carol Miller (R-W.Va.), Mike Johnson (R-La.), Kat Cammack (R-Fla.), Brian Mast (R-Fla.), and Greg Murphy (R-N.C.).

Greene "doesn't back down" or "give up," Trump said, according to his spokesperson Liz Harrington. 

"Marjorie has worked very hard to secure the Border, stop the Radical Left, and ensure the truth is known about the RIGGED and STOLEN 2020 Presidential Election," Trump wrote.

"She loves our Country and MAGA, its greatest ever political movement," Trump said. "Marjorie is running for re-election to Congress, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement."

Trump said Murphy "is doing a tremendous job" and is "working hard to Provide our Veterans with the Care they Deserve, Support our Military, Defend our Second Amendment, Lower Health Care Costs, and Secure our Border."

Mast is "Strong on National Security, the Border, Jobs, the Economy, our Second Amendment, the Military and our Brave Vets," Trump wrote.

Cammack "is doing a terrific job," Trump said.

"Kat is working hard to Secure our our Border, Promote American Agriculture, Defend the Second Amendment, Support our Brave First Responders, Military and Vets, and Hold Joe Biden and the Radical Left Accountable for their ongoing failures," he added.

Trump said Johnson is a "phenomenal representative" and is "working hard to Secure our Southern Border, Support our Military and Vets, Protect our Second Amendment, Hold Joe Biden and the Radical Left accountable, and Defend our great Constitution."

In his endorsement of Miller, Trump said she is "doing an incredible job" and is "working hard to Protect our Coal, Gas and Energy Jobs, Invest in American Workers, Defend the Second Amendment, and Protect our Children by Securing our Border, Upholding the Rule of Law and Stopping Opioids from reaching our Communities."

Trump's final endorsement on Wednesday went to Jordan, whom he called a "truly outstanding man, and a fighter like no other."

"Jim is Strong on Crime, the Border, our Military, great Vets, and will save our seriously under-siege Second Amendment. He debunked the Russia, Russia, Russia Scam, the Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine made-up phone call, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and the Mueller Report, which strongly stated 'no collusion,'" Trump wrote.