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Democrats begin fundraising off of Jan. 6 hearing

The DNC accused Trump supporters of working against democracy

June 9, 2022 11:05pm

Updated: June 10, 2022 8:14am

The Democratic National Committee is fundraising off of the Jan. 6 committee hearing and attacking Republicans, according to a photo of an apparent DNC fundraising email posted on Twitter by the Republican National Committee.

Under the heading Biden Harris Democrats, the DNC stated, "Tonight, TV cameras will turn to Capitol Hill as the January 6 Select Committee begins its public hearings into how Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican allies organized a mob and incited a deadly
insurrection to attempt to overturn a fair, free, and secure election.

Republicans have repeatedly denied these claims and are calling the committee "illegitimate" and a "sham" orchestrated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

The DNC asked supporters to donate $25 to "help elect Democrats who will protect our democracy," according to the email.

The organization then proceeded to accuse Trump supporters of working against democracy. 

"MAGA Republicans didn't stop after January. Across the country, they have continued to undermine our democracy by promoting Trump's Big Lie and making it harder to vote," the Democratic group wrote.

"This is about holding everyone involved accountable. It's about protecting our democracy and upholding our fundamental right to vote," the DNC stated.

Although it still appears likely that Republicans will overtake the House in the midterm elections this fall, donor records show that Democrats are using the Jan. 6 hearings to encourage small-dollar donations, Axios reported Thursday.