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Congressional members and democracy activists lash out at Biden after recognizing so-called Cuban 'private sector'

A group of activists and politicians have marked their position regarding the measures announced by the U.S. president towards Cuba

Activistas y políticos reaccionan a las medidas de Biden hacia Cuba
Activistas y políticos reaccionan a las medidas de Biden hacia Cuba | Collage ADN América/ Shutterstock

May 29, 2024 6:17pm

Updated: May 30, 2024 9:20am

The Biden administration announced several measures on Thursday in favor Cuba's so-called “private sector,” which Castro critics have repeatedly disputed is a cover for the regime.

Among them, the possibility for managers of so-called micro, small and medium-sized companies (MSMEs) to open bank accounts in the United States stands out.

Since the Biden administration came to power, it has gradually carved out exceptions for U.S. sanctions for so-called MSMEs, insisting they are entrepreneurial entities and not regime sponsored enterprises.

The U.S. government also updated internet services allowed on the island, such as the use of social media platforms, videoconferencing, simultaneous translation services, online games and authentication services.

Poblete aprovechó su escrito para recordar a la administración norteamericana que en la nación caribeña “hay estadounidenses encarcelados o detenidos injustamente”, como el caso de Alina Lopez de la Florida. También se refirió a la falta de voluntades para resarcir a los estadounidenses cuyas propiedades fueron robadas por Cuba.

Por su parte el senador de Florida Marco Rubio se dirigió a la misma plataforma digital para remarcar que “las concesiones del presidente Biden al régimen cubano, famoso por su opresión, son profundamente preocupantes”, dijo.

Rubio recordó que el “sector privado” en Cuba son meramente una fachada que “enriquecen al régimen de Castro y Díaz-Canel” como en tantas ocasiones ha sido demostrado. El político republicano afirmó que cualquier ayuda financiera a esta dictadura solo fomenta la represión a su pueblo y los ataques al propio EE.UU.

The package of adjustments was met with several reactions from both elected political officials and democracy activists and human rights lawyers.

“The Biden administration continues to recklessly engage with the Cuban regime and has now opened a back door to money laundering and sanctions evasion. “They have created another sanctions evasion tool and will empower the elites of the Castro-Espin crime family, not the Cuban people,” wrote Human Rights lawyer Jason Ian Poblete, as part of an extensive message on the social network before Twitter.

Poblete took advantage of his writing to remind the Biden administration that in the Caribbean nation “there are Americans imprisoned or detained unjustly,” such as the case of Alina Lopez from Florida. He also referred to the lack of will to compensate Americans whose property was stolen by Cuba.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio addressed the same digital platform to highlight that “President Biden's concessions to the Cuban regime, famous for its oppression, are deeply worrying,” he said.

Rubio recalled that the “private sector” in Cuba is merely a facade that “enriches the Castro and Díaz-Canel regime” as has been demonstrated on so many occasions. The Republican politician stated that any financial aid to this dictatorship only encourages repression of its people and attacks on the United States itself.

Other reactions appeared instantly on the Internet, after the announcement of the package of measures, which many claim is a desperate attempt by Joe Biden to demonstrate a triumph in his foreign policy with a view to this year's electoral elections.

Republican representative Carlos Giménez also said that these measures are another new excuse to get closer to the Cuban regime, because private companies do not exist in Cuba. “It's crazy, there is no private company in Cuba. Do you really believe that there are private companies in Cuba with 100 employees? he questioned in an interview published on X.

Likewise, the academic and communicator José Raúl Gallego expressed that the regime will be the most favored by the measures: “Except for the elimination of prohibitions on the use of software and apps, the Cuban regime will be the most favored by these measures. At the time when he needs it most, by the way,” he wrote on the same network.

Other stories, criteria and testimonies on the subject appeared on the Internet, covering the same line of analysis.

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