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Biden admin bashed after warning it 'will not be in a position to evacuate' Americans from Ukraine

"I mean, it's not like there are still Americans stuck in Afghanistan or something," Ben Shapiro tweeted

January 23, 2022 10:44pm

Updated: January 24, 2022 10:12am

The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine on Sunday warned American citizens that the Biden administration will be unable to help with evacuations from Ukraine in the event of a Russian incursion. Critics quickly drew comparisons to the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The announcement comes as the State Department on Sunday ordered families of diplomats to evacuate Ukraine and authorized the voluntary departure of U.S. government employees from the country.

"As President Biden has said, military action by Russia could come at any time and the United States government will not be in a position to evacuate American citizens in such a contingency, so U.S. citizens currently present in Ukraine should plan accordingly, including by availing themselves of commercial options should they choose to leave the country," the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine said.

Ukraine and Russia are at Level 4 travel advisories. Americans are told to not travel to both nations due to the threat of Russian invasion of Ukraine.

President Joe Biden is reportedly considering sending thousands of U.S. troops to NATO allies throughout the region. 

Fox News' national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin tweeted Sunday evening that according to a State Department call, U.S. citizens should arrange commercial flights to evacuate the country. 

Critics quickly hit back against President Joe Biden online, and many drew parallels to Afghanistan last year.

Chief of Staff at The Institute for the Study of War Jennifer Cafarell tweeted in response to Griffin: "Twice in less than 6 months," referencing the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. 

"Afghanistan Round 2," Lone Conservative founder Kassy Dillon commented.

Reporter Oliver Jia tweeted, "The U.S. to its citizens trapped in war zones:" with a gif of a man giving a peace sign before fading away.

"Russia has been massing for weeks, and now the Biden administration is telling Americans stuck in #Ukraine that there’s nothing they can do to get them out," tweeted Heritage Foundation Media and Public Relations Director John Cooper. "This administration is criminally incompetent."

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro said: "Probably he'll get everyone out. I mean, it's not like there are still Americans stuck in Afghanistan or something."

"Biden was on vacation as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban," GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said. "Now as the State Department orders Americans to evacuate Ukraine, he is back on vacation."