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Russian TV pundits discuss nuking NYC after ICBM test

Pundits on Russian TV are openly musing about missile strikes against New York City and other Western targets after the country successfully tested its “Satan II” intercontinental ballistic missile last week

April 26, 2022 8:55am

Updated: April 26, 2022 1:23pm

Pundits on Russian TV are openly musing about missile strikes against New York City and other Western targets after the country successfully tested its “Satan II” intercontinental ballistic missile last week.

On Russia-1, a state media channel, a host asked former Russian Lt. General Evgeny Buszhinskiy about the destructive potential of the missile and its payload.

“If this rocket ends up over there in the worst case scenario what kind of objects can it destroy? What size of a territory?” the host asked as video of the rocket launch played in the background.

“If 7.5 megatons will be delivered to the territory of our so-called partner, then objects like the city of New York, a good city, but it would be gone. Completely gone,” Buzhinskiy responds, laughing with the other guests at the use of “partner” to describe the United States.

Russian member of parliament Yuri Shvytkin discussed the missile’s power on another segment on Channel One, another state-owned channel.

"The warheads in the missile are indeed capable of hitting enemy targets,” Shvytkin said.

“So you understand, there would be virtually no New York left, there would be virtually no England left. From a single missile.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced last week that his military had successfully tested-fired a nuclear-capable RS-28 Sarmat ICBM, nicknamed “Satan II.” He has not been shy about his vast nuclear arsenal as he moves to deter Western intervention in Ukraine.

“This truly unique weapon will strengthen the combat potential of our armed forces, reliably ensure Russia's security from external threats and provide food for thought for those who, in the heat of frenzied aggressive rhetoric, try to threaten our country,” Putin said.