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Vladimir Putin's astrological signatures reveal cunning, ruthless nature

ADN hired expert astrologist Maria Pascual to interpret Russian President and former KGB Colonel Vladimir Putin’s astrological chart in the midst of his erratic war crimes and cruel invasion of Ukraine. Here's what we found.

March 3, 2022 4:45pm

Updated: March 3, 2022 9:49pm

As Russian President and former KGB Colonel Vladimir Putin continues violating international law and committing war crimes in Ukraine, the world has asked how any person could do such terrible things to innocent people. 

The Ukrainian people have banded together and fought bravely, even amidst Russia's bombing of civilians, women and children. While ADN continues to report on the facts and gather stories of people on the ground and those joining the fight around the world, we've also decided to take a deeper look at the Russian President and his personality

To achieve this, ADN hired expert astrologist Maria Pascual to interpret the former KGB Colonel’s astrological chart. Maria says Putin's three main astrological signatures mark him as the quintessential spy and ruthless ruler, enabling him to extract hidden information and dominate others. 

Birth Data: October 7, 1952. 9:30 am. St. Petersburg, Russia

1. The Manipulative Statesman

A stellium of four planets in Libra provide a shining armor to the darker aspects of a complex personality. Libra is a cardinal air sign, positively known for diplomacy, charm and deep perception of human nature. Its ruling planet is Venus. Negatively, it means manipulation and evasiveness. There is a tendency to quick, unexpected decisions and emotional volatility.

2. The Spy Behind the Scenes

The ascendant or rising sign frames the basic personality, the window to the world. When in Scorpio, it marks the prototype of the perfect spy. Combined with a prominent Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, in the royal sign of Leo, there is a natural tendency to rise to power.

Mars, symbol of strength and aggression, is the traditional ruler of Scorpio. In Putin’s chart, it is placed in the second house of money and resources, in a very favorable aspect to Pluto, the midheaven. This means they all work together as a team. They attract attention and help reach goals.

Putin was an agent for the KGB from 1975 to 1990. He lived in Berlin at that time and became familiar with the Western socioeconomic system. His Mercury conjunct Neptune in Libra means he is good at dissembling information and engaging trust. He must have been naturally disposed to interrogation.

Putin’s whole chart marks him as the Perfect Spy. Libra and its Venus connection puts people at ease in order to extract hidden (ruled by Scorpio) information.

3. The Absolute, Ruthless Ruler

The midheaven (MC) describes a person’s influence on the world and society. The top of the chart of Vladimir Putin’s MC is at 20 degrees Leo, tightly conjunct Pluto and the South Node (stuck in the past, natural talents). Pluto indicates an iron will, absolute control, stubbornness, a certain ruthlessness and devious means to reach goals. The sign of Leo, of kings and tyrants, speaks for itself.

The conjunction of Saturn/Sun in Libra is crucial. Here Saturn is exalted and the sun at its fall. This means the ego is subservient to a greater mission, which involves tremendous will power call for persistence strategy and discipline. Saturn here restraints the personality and a tendency to unbridled ambition.

Mars in Sagittarius in the second house of money and resources adds luck through calculated risks. Arriving at positions of power at the perfect moment. The example is his return to Russia when Gorbachev was in the process of dismantling the Soviet Union. In a decade, Putin rose from deputy mayor of St. Petersburg to president.

How is all this celestial strategy working out now? After just a few days of invasion, all of Russia is paying a steep price. Mars and Pluto, military power and bravado seem to rule. High risks and high stakes.

Finally, this is an afflicted astrological time for Putin. Bad invasion time. Also, for the various astrological charts for Russia, Saturn, the examiner, is opposite Putin’s Midheaven/Pluto. If negotiation is not achieved by March 20 to April 12, before Mars joins Saturn on April 5, the war will escalate and so will its terrible consequences.