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Protesting Putin: More than 5,900 arrested for antiwar demonstrations in Russia

Thousands of demonstrators still took to the streets Sunday despite the threat of arrests and beatings

February 28, 2022 7:38am

Updated: February 28, 2022 9:13am

Thousands of antiwar protesters in Russia have been arrested following Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine last week. 

Human rights group OVD-Info reports that 5,919 people have been arrested in Moscow, St. Petersberg and other cities for anti-war actions since Feb. 24. 

Thousands of demonstrators still took to the streets Sunday despite the threat of arrests and beatings. 

Journalist Alec Luhn reports that more than 800 antiwar protesters had been arrested in Russia on Sunday alone.

"The numbers don't seem that impressive, but consider that people are coming out for the 4th day now despite facing almost certain arrest & having no way to coordinate or even gather in one spot," he tweeted.

Photos from the Associated Press also show Russian law enforcement's brutal treatment of peaceful protestors.

Ukrainian resistance to Russian forces is stronger than expected, a U.S. defense official told The Wall Street Journal.