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GLOBAL CAT–ASTROPHE: The 'UN of Cats' bans Russian felines from international competitions

The International Cat Federation decreed that “no cat belonging to exhibitors living in Russia may be entered at any FIFe show outside Russia, regardless of which organization these exhibitors hold their membership in"

March 9, 2022 6:03pm

Updated: March 10, 2022 11:36am

As the world continues to rally in support of Ukraine, international organizations ranging from FIFA to McDonalds have joined democratic governments condemning and sanctioning Russia for its illegal invasion of its southern neighbor.

But as tensions continue to grow, it seems not even cats have been able to stay out of the West’s economic crosshairs.

Earlier this month, the International Cat Federation (FIFe) – a global organization with members in about 40 countries --announced that it has banned Russian cats from international competitions, arguing that “it cannot just witness these atrocities and do nothing.”

In a press release, the self-proclaimed  'United Nations of cat federations' decreed that “no cat belonging to exhibitors living in Russia may be entered at any FIFe show outside Russia, regardless of which organization these exhibitors hold their membership in.”

The ban will be in place through May 31.

Furthermore, noting that more than two million Ukrainians have been forced to flee their homes since Russian President Vladimir Putin first announced the invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24 – often with their pets in tow – FIFe also announced that it would dedicate a portion of its budget to support cat breeders and "fanciers" in Ukraine who are impacted by the conflict.

The organization also promised to support affiliated groups in countries including Poland, Romania, Hungry, Slovakia and Moldova as they continue to lend “a helping hand to their Ukrainian breeder friends.”

“We will consult our Ukrainian FIFe Member Ukrainian Felinology Union (UFU), as well as our Members in countries neighboring Ukraine, as to how this can best be done,” the organization said.



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