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DeSantis calls Trump prosecutor "a menace to society" using the law for political gain

“This guy is doing politics! He has an agenda, that is not the rule of law,” DeSantis said to 600 guests in an atrium at Garden City’s Cradle of Aviation Museum

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis stands firmly by an American flag while speaking
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis stands firmly by an American flag while speaking | Office of the Governor of Florida

April 2, 2023 8:50am

Updated: April 2, 2023 8:51am

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis came out with a fresh attack against Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg this weekend, calling the prosecutor’s indictment of former President Donald Trump “a menace to society,” during a Nassau County fundraiser in Garden City, New York City.

“This guy is all about politics,” DeSantis said of the Manhattan prosecutor. “His whole thing is he doesn’t want people to be in jail, he wants to downgrade felonies to misdemeanors. Really, really dangerous stuff.”

“And then he turns around, does a flimsy indictment against a former president of the United States. All these legal gymnastics to act like this is a felony – when almost every other time, he’s trying to take the felonies and downgrade them,” the Florida governor said.

“This guy is doing politics! He has an agenda, that is not the rule of law,” DeSantis said to 600 guests in an atrium at the Cradle of Aviation Museum.

Those words earned DeSantis a standing ovation from the New York Republican audience, according to the New York Post.

The Florida governor also touted his own state as a model for the rest of the country during what amounted to a powerful, 50 minute speech.

“For over four years, we don’t have leaks, we don’t have palace intrigue, we just execute the agenda,” he said.

“Our president, Joe Biden, he’s weak, he’s floundering. He’s really being controlled by the leftist elements of the Democratic Party.”

He then took a swipe at woke politics, a hot issue that has boosted his popularity.

“We’re never going to surrender to the woke mob, because Florida is where woke goes to die,” he shouted to a cheering audience.

An estimated 70 Republicans paraded the street outside the museum waving American flags and “Trump 2024 signs,” while a little more than a dozen demonstrators protested DeSantis.

DeSantis has not yet announced his run for the presidency, largely due to a state law that prohibits the Florida governor from running for president while still in office, a ban that Republican members of the state legislature are actively working to repeal.

For now, DeSantis’ purported campaign events are being run by outside organizations such as And to the Republic, which reportedly financed his speeches in Georgia, Iowa and Nevada.

He is also promoting his new book, “The Courage to Be Free,” part of a tour he launched on Feb. 20.

Experts have speculated DeSantis will make a run for the presidency since he was re-elected as Florida’s governor with a 19 point lead over his Democratic opponent, Rep. Charlie Crist, a massive win in the battleground state.