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Elderly Cuban woman faces eviction after 25 years in Miami apartment

Maria Gonzalez, 79, says she is living a drama that robs her of sleep and peace

April 1, 2022 2:13pm

Updated: April 2, 2022 1:41pm

Seventy-nine-year-old Cuban citizen Maria Gonzalez, a resident of the United States, is about to be evicted from her home in Miami.

Gonzalez has been a tenant of an apartment for more than two decades, but the landlord told her that he would not renew her lease, so she must leave the house to make some alleged repairs to the property because of mold, reports Telemundo 51.

The Cuban claims that she has never stopped paying rent on her apartment in the northwest part of the city.

"I've been in here for 25 years and now I'm dumped. Don't do this to the elderly, no one knows what this is like," she lamented. "I can't even sleep. I ask myself, 'Why does this have to happen to me?' It's abusive.”

Gonzalez says her biggest concern is the lack of options for finding housing she can afford, since she lives alone and has no family nearby, only a granddaughter who lives in Michigan. The elderly Cuban woman earns about $900 after retirement.

"I've done this cleaning houses. The only thing I say: in life everything is paid for. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy," he said.

Jose "Pepe" Diaz, chairman of the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners, said the local government is looking for a way to protect these cases with support from federal money.

The deadline for Gonzalez to vacate his apartment is May 15.

The elderly woman is a devotee of the Yoruba religion and said a prayer before the cameras of Telemundo 51: "Oh, my God, what do I do, sir? what do I do, where do I go, father? When you are old, poor and with no one to help you, it is not easy. I have a lot of faith in you and I know that somewhere it will work out.

The company that manages the apartments is "General Real State Corporation." The press contacted them, but for the moment, they have not answered.

Fast-File Reporter

Marielbis Rojas

Marielbis Rojas is a Venezuelan journalist and communications professional with a degree in Social Communication from UCAB. She is a news reporter for ADN America.