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DeSantis: New Yorkers moving to Florida amidst fiscal 'tailspin'

Florida welcomed 211,000 people in 2021, while New York shrank by 400,000 people

March 31, 2022 3:57pm

Updated: April 1, 2022 8:18am

New Yorkers are leaving the Empire State and flocking to Florida because of the ongoing fiscal “tailspin,” Florida Governor Ron De Santis said in an interview on Tuesday with Fox News Radio.

“Good economic conditions attract more people. We expand the economic base whereas these blue states I think they create a vicious cycle. They tax and regulate so they repel people to leave their state,” he said. 

“So states like Illinois, New York they are in a — in a tailspin and they’re not probably going to be willing to change their policies. But they would have to change the policies,” added De Santis. 

Florida welcomed 211,000 people in 2021, while New York shrank by 400,000 people, according to the U.S. Census. 

“I think we’ve shown we have the lowest per capita tax burden in the country, we have no state income tax, but we meet all the needs,” De Santis continued.

De Santis also commented about California Governor Gavin Newsom’s policies, after Newsome criticized the Florida governor’s approach to the pandemic and ware on critical race theory. 

“How many people are moving from his state, fleeing to come to mine for freedom versus vice-versa? And I guarantee you we win in the net — in-migration people are leaving California in numbers we’ve never seen because of his failed policies.”

“So what I like to say is people posture politically, and they do these talking points, but how they actually act really tells the story. And when people vote with their feet, yes there’s a lot of Californians who like what we’re doing who are coming, but even the ones that posture against Florida typically find their way here. And so, I think that the proof’s in the pudding when it comes to that,” the governor added.