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Pelosi forced to cancel vote on infrastructure bill for third time, moderates demand cost analysis

Pelosi sought to pass the infrastructure bill and then vote on a rule for debate on the Build Back Better Act, a social spending bill.

November 5, 2021 4:33pm

Updated: November 5, 2021 6:36pm

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was forced Friday for the third time to postpone a planned vote on the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill.

Amid ongoing disagreements among factions within her conference, this time the delay appears to be result of moderate Democrats wanting the Congressional Budget Office to provide and cost analysis, or "score" for the bill before a vote.

“If our six colleagues still want to wait for a CBO score, we would agree to give them that time, after which point we can vote on both bills together," said Washington Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal, chairwoman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. 

Pelosi sought to pass the infrastructure bill and then vote on a rule for debate on the Build Back Better Act, a social spending bill that Democrats are trying to pass with budget reconciliation. 

On two previous occasions, Pelosi planned to put the bipartisan infrastructure legislation up for a full vote and House progressives opposed the move, insisting that the bill should be linked to the Build Back Better Act.

House Republicans also have called for a full CBO score of the Build Back Better Act before passage.