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LA school district fires about 500 employees who refused to get vaccines

Most of these employees had been on unpaid leave since October

December 8, 2021 5:59pm

Updated: December 8, 2021 5:59pm

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) fired 496 employees who refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19 on Tuesday.

The school board voted 7-0 on Tuesday to terminate the contracts of the employees. The 496 employees who were fired make up 1 percent of the 73,000 district employees.

The employees had been on leave since mid-October, the deadline for when LAUSD staff were supposed to show proof of having at least one vaccine dose. Staff had to show proof of their second dose by November 15.

“Parting ways with individuals who choose not to be vaccinated is an extremely difficult, but necessary decision to ensure the safety of all in our school communities,” said LAUSD’s interim superintendent, Megan Reilly. “We wish everyone the best in their future endeavors and encourage everyone to get vaccinated.”

Around 418 of the employees were classified as critical staff employees, although non-credentialed. This includes cafeteria workers, custodians, instructional aides.

If the fired employees get fully vaccinated later on, they will be considered for reemployment, said Reilly.

LAUSD is also dealing with 34,000 students who are not complying with the mandate that requires them to be fully vaccinated by January 10. Students who are not vaccinated by the deadline will have to join an independent study program or leave the public school system.