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Joe Rogan discusses 'woke' agenda pushed by daughter's California elementary school

“When the whole George Floyd thing happened, one of the schools that my kids were going to back in California released this email, saying that it’s not enough to not be racist, you now must be anti-racist,” Rogan said

April 7, 2022 10:40am

Updated: April 7, 2022 2:51pm

Conservative podcaster Joe Rogan recently discussed how the elementary school his 9-year-old daughter attended pushed a “woke” and “anti-racist” agenda on students after the death of George Floyd in the spring of 2020.

Rogan discussed his family’s experience with the California school during an episode of his “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast and recalled how administrators sent an email to parents stating “it’s not enough to not be racist, you now must be anti-racist.”

“When the whole George Floyd thing happened, one of the schools that my kids were going to back in California released this email, saying that it’s not enough to not be racist, you now must be anti-racist,” Rogan said. “And my kid’s nine at the time. What does that, what does that mean? These kids are not even remotely racist. Like, they have all sorts of different kinds of friends.”

“They — I’ve never heard them discuss it once,” Rogan continued. “It’s just ‘I like this person and she’s nice to me and we like to play together and we both like the same things’ and let’s — so to tell a 9-year-old that you have to be anti-racist, well, then they go looking for racism, they’re gonna go looking to confront it.”

Although Rogan said he recognized the importance of teaching children that racism is bad, he asked, “if you want to tell my 9-year-old, they have to be anti-racist, what does it mean?”

The 54-year-old podcaster is well known within conservative circles for fighting back against “woke” ideology and has even warned that if the liberal mob is left unchallenged, “straight white men” could soon not be “allowed to talk” or “go outside.”

Rogan’s remarks came as he and a guest were discussing how difficult it would be to create a raunchy comedy movie amid today’s politically correct climate.

A transcript of the conversation can be seen below:

GUEST: I was listening to a podcast the other day that I love that sorts of like a mental health podcast. And this lady was telling the host who’s like a straight white guy. He was like, I’m learning about privilege. And he was saying even my self-deprecating humor is a little bit offensive because it’s my privilege to do self-deprecating humor because as a straight white male people assume I’m joking, but other people couldn’t make such jokes because of whatever history and they were literally discussing earnestly how straight white men shouldn’t really try to be funny.

ROGAN: Was that guy a castrato?

GUEST: It felt a little castrato-y. I mean, it was just a really bizarre conversation.

ROGAN: You can never be woke enough, that’s the problem, it keeps going, it keeps going further and further and further down the line. And if you get to the point where you capitulate where you agree to all these demands, it will eventually get to straight white men are not allowed to talk. Because it’s your privilege to express yourself when other people of color have been silenced throughout history. It will be you’re not allowed to go outside because so many people were imprisoned for so many years. I mean, I’m not joking, it really will get there. It’s that crazy. You know, we just got to be nice to each other, man. And there’s a lot of people that are taking advantage of this weirdness in our culture, and then that becomes their thing. Their thing is calling people out for their privilege, calling people out for their position. You know, it’s so f***ing crazy times.